Going before a panel of your boyfriend's friends can be downright frightening. His pals are probably a huge part of his life, so you could really do with getting along with them – no pressure. Here are seven easy steps to getting the big thumbs-up from your significant other's friends.
Tip 1: Be sensitive towards their feelings. As macho as they may seem, men can become pretty protective over each other if they fear that one member of the clan is going to fly their fun-filled nest. While you're probably floating around on a dreamy romantic cloud, his friends are probably preparing to fly the red bro-mance flag at half mast and call it a day. No more poker nights? No more nights out on the pull? This is pretty big news. Show them that there's no need to feel this way by encouraging your boyfriend to arrange some future lads’ nights in. Showing that you aren't a threat is a great way to impress his mates.
Tip 2: Feed them. Without wanting to make any sweeping generalisations, a little bird told us that food may possibly maybe kind of be the way to a man's heart. Just baked some cookies? Perfect. Send your boyfriend round with them to dish them out or if you're going round too, deliver them by hand. They'll remember it for a very long time and love you forever – score!
Tip 3: Don't try too hard to be liked. When you're feeling nervous, you're more likely to try hard and come across as needy in front of his friends. Don't go out of your way to be confident and outgoing because this may be perceived as annoying. Smile and talk when you feel it's necessary but never talk just for the sake of seeming confident.
Tip 4: Don't act too girly. Yes, you're a girl and yes, you should just be your cool little self, but make sure you don't overdo it with the girly chat. While your girlfriends may thrive off conversations about shoes, dresses and how your two best friends aren't speaking to each other, guys don't get quite the same kick out of it. Unless the disagreement between these two girls ends with a mud wrestling match, your boyfriend's mates probably don't care.
Tip 5: Give them space. Much like you need alone time in your relationship, sometimes the men need alone time in their friendship. If your boyfriend has a boys' night in with his mates once as week, don't expect this to change now that he's with you. Nothing gives out a bad impression like a girlfriend breaking up a bro-mance. Alone time with his friends is always necessary.
Tip 6: Involve yourself in the conversation. With men and women coming from two different planets, it's no surprise that you're not going to have everything in common. If your man's mates are talking about something you're not interested in or you've never even heard of before, don't automatically tune out. Instead, involve yourself in the conversation by asking questions. They'll love it if you show some interest.
Tip 7: Invite them over. If you're really serious about impressing his pals, invite them over to your house and throw a barbeque or watch the football with some wine for the ladies and beer for the gents. Maybe some of his friends will end up hooking up with some of yours? Either way, this shows that you're serious about being friends with them, rather than just putting up with them when you cross paths.
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